Meet The Press
Cotton: the excellence of Brazilian plume

It can be said that, overall, the data about the Brazilian production of cotton are positive. The Abrapa points the Brazilian cotton as one of the best in the world. The country is surpassed only by Australia and Greece.
The high rating our cotton fiber is attributed to the varieties of seeds of high standard used in planting, combined with the empowerment of producers. This is what has ensured the good prospects for the crop sector 2014/2015, according to the Abrapa.

The President of the institution, Gilson Pinesso, believes the fiber, yet for a long time, will profit and it will be important for the Brazilian economy. “Move around r $ 19 billion in the cotton chain. This is bigger than the GDP of Paraguay. There is no possibility of disappear or lessen (this participation). Come on, Yes, keep and grow, “said Pinesso, at the end of last may, during the industry event.

Pests ern guided On this perspective for growth, Bahia presents itself as an important State because cotton growers in the West of Bahia still celebrate the agreement closed on Monday (June 16), in Brasília, between the Confederation of agriculture and livestock of Brazil (CNA), and the Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRA-PA), for strengthening the partnership with farmers in the region.

John Deere Round BalersFor baling cotton Material will be produced in Bahia Must be inaugurated, in Feira de Santana, already in August this year, the first Brazilian factory to produce the RMW drum module (Module Round Wrap), packing material in cotton Harvester machine itself. Is the only company of this material in the world.

The Tama decided to settle in Brazil to meet Brazilian and South American market. The Bahian unit will be the first in the country to produce the cylindrical module of baling (Round Module Wrap), packing the cotton Harvester itself. Current-mind, this product is imported by cotton farmers, which makes the final value, in addition to delaying the product trading.

The farmer Walter Horita, which has cotton plantation in Western Bahia, recognizes the importance of the installation of the factory in Bahia, but points out that even with a factory in Brazil, producers are still reliant on just one supplier. “This is not good for the farmers,” says.

Horita explains that the current cost of this product is very high and has a very strong impact on the cost of harvesting. In addition, the import of input implies (loss of) time, since, according to growers, the producer gets to take almost two months to receive it. “Our expectation is that the product price decrease of at least 30% compared to the currently practiced, as well as decrease the time of arrival, after the completion of the application”. With factory installed in Bahian lands, it is estimated a term of up to two days for receipt of the material.

Tama is an Israeli company that operates in the plastic packaging industry to agriculture. Has four factories in Israel, four in Europe and 13 distribution companies.

The works of the Israeli company Tama Subaé Industrial Centre, in Feira de Santana, Bahia, are being held in an area of 50 thousand square meters. An investment of $ 40 million.

Embrapa is completing a series of studies on the characteristics, challenges, problems and applications of the producers in the MAPITOBA region, which includes areas of the Midwestern States of Brazil, among them, the West of Bahia. The idea is to cool the problems from pests that weaken cotton production in the region.

The major concern of farmers in Bahia is to give sustainability to cotton-growing, reducing production costs from the strengthening of research and innovation in combating pests that punish the field.

For the data collection in Western Bahia Embrapa researchers who are on 33 highlighted region to make on-the-spot assessment of the effects of pests and diseases that attack crops of cotton, corn and soybeans also.

President hit with the President of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA), Maurício António Lopes, and the technical Board of the institution, the next steps for strengthening the partnership with cotton producers in Western Bahia, strongly affected by the high incidence of pests.

To the President of the Bahia, Ademar Marcai António, who participated in the meeting, “the generation of employment and income that comes from agricultural production may be compromised due to the emergence of new pests that attack especially cotton and soybeans in the region”.

Also present at the meeting, the President of the Association of cotton producers from Bahia (ABA-PA), Isabel da Cunha, said the culture of cotton is facing an “attack of pests and diseases that can be eradicated with a joint action of EMBRAPA and class associations and producers. We will have to find solutions to reduce costs and increase productivity “, proposed.

In The World
Cotton is among the most important fibre crops in the world. Every year, an average of 35 million hectares of cotton is planted all over the planet. World demand has been increasing gradually since the Decade of 1950, the average annual growth of 2%. The world cotton trade moves annually about $ 12 billion and involves more than 350 million people in its production, since the farms until the logistics, ginning, processing and packing. Currently, cotton is produced by more than 60 countries on five continents. Five countries-China, India, United States, Pakistan and Brazil-emerge as the main producers of fiber.

In Brazil
The last three vintages, with medium volume around 1.7 million tonnes of feather, the country stands among the five largest producers, alongside countries like China, India, USA and Pakistan. the Brazil is the third exporting country and the first in productivity in non-irrigated land. The internal scenario is also promising: we are the fifth largest consumer, with almost 1 million tons/year.

As the cotton valley?
Minimum prices for cotton seed, cotton in feather, cottonseed and cottonseed have been published in the Diário Oficial da União (DOU), through the ministerial order n° 231, signed by the Minister of agriculture, livestock and food supply, Neri Geller. The values are valid for the bumper crop of summer 2013/14 and, in the North and Northeast, to the 2014 crop. In the South, Southeast and southern Bahia, minimum prices that apply between March this year and February 2015 are: r $ 54.90 for the product in feather Type SLM 41.1 (15 Kg); of 19.20 for cotton seed (15 kg); from r $ 3.15 for cottonseed (15 kg) and r $ 0.21 for grain/seed (kg) and R $ 0,9161 for seed (kg). The same values and products worth to central regions West and North, just by changing the period covered to May this year and April 2015, and North and northeast (less South of Bahia), worth between July this year and June 2015.

The Bahia Cotton Growers Association (ABAPA)
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